Wednesday, August 19, 2009

miss her sia!

hello... yeap yeap.. i decided to blog..
hahaha.. nothing to do.. but a short one aye..!
so ive been sending my lovely bestfriend SERINA to work almost 2 weeks, so yeah.. wat a great day start in the morning with her.. (: ermmm she gila lah at morning.. lagi worst dari time2 yg lain.. so yeah.. feel like blog this out..,

then tadi after sending her, was texting my other friend, she's totally nice.. name : KIRA, so she being paisey for dunno brape minet g2.. hahah.. me n her cant stop laughing with her story.. basically, got someone called her, name nyer pon FENDY jugak, so she mati2an piker thats me, then this morning she ask me, "y u called me last night" hahahaha..!! so she be layan-ing that guy, n she thinks thats me.. huahuahuahuak!! kekek ar lu Kira.. hehehehe.. so sepanjang jln, msg with her, senyum like RETARDED sia, dah la dlm public transport, n she n her class room, hahaha..!! due2 same2 doL.. hehehe.. but seriously sia, bile dok diam2, nnt tibe2 teringt2, senyum sendiri..! hahahaha.. kekek beb!

k da stop it...

so today after send Serina, happy texting with Kira, i reached home, so ive been thinking one whole day, about my friendship.. was thinking2.. i dunno wat went wrong, isit me ? i mean, am i the cause of all this? tsk tsk tsk.. ):

i jus wanna be like the 1st time we met.. thats all.. haiz.. untill when we gonna be like this..

hmm, can say,
thats is my wish yea.. isk isk isk..

anywae missh my Serina alot.. da lame tak cubet2 die.. (:

so i guess thats all,
will update more...

bbye ..!!

-Kei OffiCe-

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